Victim of a ransom-software, Travelex puts its services offline

The website of Travelex, one of the world's largest money changers, is currently offline due to the spread of a virus Of type ransomware. Hackers would claim a 2.7 million euro ransom in Bitcoin.

December 31, after detecting a virus who had compromised some of his services, Travelex has decided to take its website offline in order to prevent it from spreading.

In an official statement published yesterday, the London company reveals that it is a question of ransom-software Sodinokibi, malware based on the popular ransomware REVIL, which encrypts files and requests a ransom so you can access it again.

According to the British exchange office, although some data has been encrypted, there is still no evidence that the personal data of customers are concerned.

"Travelex does not yet have a complete picture of all of the data that has been encrypted, there is still no evidence to date that any data has been exfiltrated, "wrote Travelex.

According to several media including theguardian, the hackers would require a transfer of £ 2.3 million (around 2.7 million euros) in bitcoins. In addition, they threaten to release 5 GB of customer data, including credit card numbers.

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The National Crime Agency (NCA), assisted by the London police, is currently investigating.

"We are working around the clock to get our systems back online," said Tony D’Souza, CEO of Travelex.