Windows 11 2022 Update, NVIDIA GPU gamers report issues

Windows 11 2022 Update, NVIDIA GPU gamers report issues

Windows 11 2022 Update, NVIDIA GPU gamers report issues

New Windows, first problems. In the past few hours Microsoft announced the availability of the Windows 11 2022 Update, the annual operating system update. It is a critical stepnot free from hitches of various kinds, more or less serious because, despite the many tests carried out by the company, the global roll-out on millions of PCs exposes the system to many combinations of hardware and software that are not always predictable.

Not only that, we must remember that it is not always Microsoft’s fault if a problem arises, because sometimes it is the installed software that is not updated to adapt to the changes in the new system. Having said that, it looks like the relationship between NVIDIA GPUs and Windows 11 2022 Update is off to a bad start.

As it points out Bleeping Computernumerous players are recognizing performance problems in gaming: stuttering, lag and a dancer use of CPU resources which certainly do not help to enjoy an adequate experience. “I’m experiencing insane stuttering in games. My CPU usage in games has dropped significantly, in some games by 80 to 5 percent. I just went back to the previous update and my experience is much better,” he said. a Reddit user.

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The testimonies are different and the fact that when you go back to the previous version of Windows 11 the problems disappear seems to be the proverbial “smoking gun”. Still on Reddit, NVIDIA has made it known that it is aware of the problem and is collecting detailed feedback to intervene well and promptly: whether it is a driver incompatibility or a problem that belongs to Microsoft is all to be seen.

Either way, NVIDIA GPU owners would do well to curb their urge to upgrade to the new version of Windows 11, waiting for the natural roll-out period or official communications on the problem and any corrective actions. Those who crave the desire to install the new OS can do so by following this guide.