27 Companies That are Part of the Libra Association have Not Published any Statement

27 Companies That are Part of the Libra Association have Not Published any Statement

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he would spend “how long it takes” to get approval from the authorities before launching the cryptocurrency Libra. Although it was initially planned for early 2020, the reticence of regulators could cause postponement of the launch.

The statement was made in a conference with investors on the quarterly activity report of the company.

Zuckerberg sought to assure investors that Facebook will act responsibly in developing the Libra.

“We are committed to working with policy-makers to do this right.”

In response to questions about the launch plans, Zuckerberg said Libra’s Facebook approach is “trying to have a very open dialogue.” Unlike a few years ago, when the company launched a new direct product, Facebook is trying to figure out all the details of the Libra project.

“We have opened a period of discussion to address all the questions of regulators and various experts. In this way, we can figure out which is the best way forward, “

Zuckerberg said.

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No sign from the other participants in the project

David Marcus, head of the Libra project, has already participated in two hearings before the US Congress. Regulatory authorities in other countries have said they will carefully investigate the crypto project.

However, the other 27 companies that are part of the Libra Association have not published any official statement yet.

Alfred F. Kelly Jr., CEO of Visa, said no company has officially joined the Libra. At this stage, companies that have been involved in the Libra Association have only signed a non-binding letter of intent.

In a conference on the July 23 report, Kelly said:

“We signed a letter of intent to join the Libra. We are one of the 27 companies that have expressed their interest, but no one has officially joined yet. “