AMD introduces support for two Vega cards

AMD introduces support for two Vega cards

AMD has finally released the Radeon 17.9.2 drivers, thanks to which the Vega 64 and 56 gained support for multiple graphics cards. However, with that came one surprising thing.

It turns out that there is no mention of Crossfire technology anywhere. AMD wants to kill this brand and enter the name mGPU. The company even has specific reasons for the name change. CrossFIre is to apply to DX11 applications and mGPU to DX12. For the former, AMD had to introduce special profiles for games, and in the case of DX12, titles must support multi-card configurations. So it facilitates the creation of games as well as the work of graphics cards.

Interestingly, it will be possible to combine only two Vega cards. Configurations with more gpu (even four) will not be supported. However, this does not apply to professional cards from the Frontier Edition series. However, it’s not that strange – Nvidia has not supported multi-card configurations for a long time. It is possible that this has to do with the introduction of DX12.

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