Borrell says Europe is not in danger of freezing to death after ‘hot summer’

MOSCOW, September 5 – PRIME. In Europe, there is no talk yet about the fact that one can “freeze to death” due to the reduction in Russian gas supplies, since the hot summer has just ended, said the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

Borrell urged Europe not to try to isolate itself from the Russians

“Europe does not freeze to death, we had the hottest summer. Therefore, we are not talking about freezing,” he said during a speech at an inter-parliamentary conference on foreign policy and security issues in Prague.

Borrell also pointed out to the Hungarian deputy that the threat of freezing “worst of all concerns Hungary.” “Especially in Hungary, which also does not face the risk of freezing, since the Hungarian government has bilaterally agreed with Russia on gas supplies, so no one will freeze to death in Hungary,” Borrell said.

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However, he acknowledged that problems may arise “in other parts of Europe.” “This may happen in other parts of Europe, where there will be problems with gas supplies, especially in the industry,” the head of EU diplomacy stated.

He added that the European Union needs to get rid of dependence on Russian energy resources, no matter what the cost.


Borrell also urged the Europeans to show “strategic patience” in the matter of anti-Russian sanctions.

He emphasized that more time is needed for the effects of the restrictions to manifest.

In addition, Borrell urged the deputies of the EU countries “to explain to the citizens of the European Union the importance of sanctions and their inevitable price for Europeans.”