Daily Mail readers admit Russia was right and blame Western politicians

MOSCOW, September 5 – PRIME. Readers of the British edition of the Daily Mail stormily greeted the message about a new rise in gas prices after the shutdown of supplies via Nord Stream, expressing their opinion in the comments to the relevant article.

A Freja.8 reader pessimistically noted that “electricity, which was last week, is now four times more expensive, and it will only get worse.”

User CantBargainWithMaths lashed out at the entire political system in the West: “Let’s be honest with Russia. We started this economic war, not them. Our politicians did it knowing this was going to happen. Our entire political system has failed and needs in replacement”.

His accusatory pathos was picked up by La Reyne Le Veult: “All because of our completely useless politicians.”

“I don’t want to pay for Ukraine. Let us return to normal life,” Pink Pain urged innocently.

And a Bugsareformugs user asked rhetorically: “I don’t blame Putin. What was everyone expecting when we tried to blackmail him with sanctions?”

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