Electricity tariff growth in Italy exceeded 136 percent in a year

ROME, Oct 18 – PRIME. In September, electricity tariff growth in Italy set a record, exceeding 136% year on year, the National Union of Consumers of Italy (Unc) said on Tuesday.

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Thus, electricity sold in the Apennines at free market prices, for the first time, came out on top in the ranking of the most expensive goods and services, which Unc regularly compiles based on data from the National Institute of Statistics (Istat).

According to the latest report of the State Statistical Office, inflation in September amounted to 8.9% on an annualized basis, while the growth in prices for goods of the so-called “consumer basket” increased by 10.9% over the year. Such a strong rise in the price of basic foodstuffs and personal goods has not been recorded in Italy since August 1983.

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Unc released two tables on Tuesday. The first of them included non-food products that rose in price the most in September, the second – food products, the prices of which increased the most.

The second line in the first table after electricity is occupied by air travel across Europe, which has risen in price by 128% over the year. They are followed by air tickets for intercontinental flights, prices for which almost doubled (97.4%). The fourth place is occupied by city gas tariffs, which increased by slightly less than 64% in September, however, according to experts, in autumn they should continue their growth.

As for the group of food products, the leadership in terms of price growth is still held by various vegetable oils (with the exception of olive oil), which have risen in price by almost 60%. Butter is in second place (38%), this time rice won bronze (26.7%), which is slightly inferior to margarine (26.4%). Other foodstuffs that saw prices rise by more than 20% include pasta, canned milk, flour and basic vegetables.

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“Only for food and drink, each Italian family will pay an average of 660 euros more per year. An even stronger blow will be for families with two children – 900 euros, and with three children – 1075 euros,” said the president of Unc in this regard. Massimiliano Dona.