Eni plans to import more LNG to Italy

MOSCOW, 11 Oct — PRIME. Eni, due to the facilities being prepared, will ensure the import of additional liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Italy in 2023-2024, sufficient for the regasification of 2 billion cubic meters of gas, follows from a press release from the company.

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The total contribution of additional LNG volumes in Italy, thanks to the presence of regasification terminals under development, will exceed 2 billion cubic meters between 2022 and 2023.

In the future, Eni expects to increase the figure to more than 9 billion cubic meters in 2024-2025 only due to these new capacities.

The company also reports that it has already begun deliveries of additional volumes of liquefied natural gas to the Panigaglia regasification terminal (La Spezia) in anticipation of the winter of 2022-2023.

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From the release it follows that the first cargo was delivered on Sunday from Angola. Further LNG deliveries from Egypt and Algeria are also expected in October.

Eni is an energy company operating in 66 countries and employing about 32,000 people. Engaged in exploration, development and production of oil and gas; processing, marketing, trade and transportation of raw materials; as well as renewable energy sources.