Fujitsu launches a blockchain-based digital identity solution

Fujitsu launches a blockchain-based digital identity solution

Crypto synthesis July 5 – Binance lists DOGECoin at the request of the public – Binance lists DOGECoin at the request of the public

The Binance Exchange has announced that it will finally allow the transaction of DOGE Cryptomon. According to the announcement posted on the official blog, Binance lists DOGECoin. Pairs of trading with BNB, USDT, PAX, USDC and BTC will be available.

Transaction DOGECoin

Changpeng Zhao admitted on Twitter that, although technically, DOGE is not the best performing cryptomon, its community is extremely extensive. Apparently, Exchange users have been calling DogeCoin for several months.

As a result of the announcement, DOGE has increased by over 30% and is currently trading at $ 0.004.

Fujitsu launches a blockchain-based digital identity solution

The Japanese technology research company Fujitsu Laboratories has developed a blockchain-based digital identity solution. It can be used to evaluate user credentials, identity, and trust in online transactions.

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The solution takes into account user ratings, stored on the blockchain, to assign each customer a “trusted score”. Other participants can check this score before making a decision to initiate a transaction.

Fujitsu argues that this solution offers major advantages over other decentralized identification solutions. They are generally based on identity verification and third-party credentials.

Bank of Japan: Central banks will not issue digital coins because they will eliminate cash

An official of the Central Bank of Japan believes that the CBDC’s digital coins will not be widely supported. The statement was published by the Reuters news agency.

Deputy Governor Masayoshi Amamiya, explained:

“Eliminating cash will make the settlement infrastructure inconvenient for the public, so no central bank would do so.”

He also added that people would still opt for cash to avoid taxes. Digital coins would stimulate negative interest rates, limiting adoption. In other words, he suggested that the adoption of cryptomonas would only take place if the economy would give up cash.

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Electrum introduces Lightning Network support

The Bitcoin Electrum wallet will provide support for the Lightning Network (LN), according to the Forklog news site announcement. Electrum founder Thomas Voegtlin made the BIP001 conference announcement in Odessa, Ukraine.

LN functionality will be part of the next wallet upgrade, which is one of the oldest on the market. Being released in 2011.

Electrum will be one of the first major wallets to bring LN into the mainstream, the technology itself being still in an experimental phase.