German gas storage facility occupancy rate exceeds 90%

MOSCOW, 20 Sep — PRIME. The occupancy rate of German gas storage facilities is 90.07% full, and resource injection continues, the German Federal Network Agency said on Tuesday.

In Germany, the UGS occupancy level reached almost 90%

Germany has previously adopted legislative amendments that oblige gas storage operators to fill them by 95% by November.

“The overall storage occupancy rate in Germany is 90.07%,” the regulator said in a report. Thus, the indicator increased by 0.4% per day.

The gas level in the Rehden storage facility is still at 74.63%. The indicator has not changed due to scheduled maintenance of the facility from 12 to 24 September. During this period, neither injection nor withdrawal of gas is planned.

The regulator also noted that the situation remains tense, and “a further deterioration of the situation cannot be ruled out.” However, at the moment, according to him, gas supplies to Germany are stable.

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