Germany reduces the rate of gas injection for the third day in a row

MOSCOW, 8 Sep — PRIME. For the third day in Germany, the rate of pumping gas into UGSFs is decreasing, in Denmark the volume of pumping out from storage facilities exceeds the filling volume for the second day, and Belgium, Latvia and Ukraine replenished stocks in the “subways” by only 0.1 percentage points, follows from the data of the Association of Gas Infrastructure Operators of Europe (Gas Infrastructure Europe, GIE).

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It is noted that at the moment the total volume of “blue fuel” in European UGS facilities is about 89.2 billion cubic meters. The total occupancy reached 82.52%, an increase of 0.29 percentage points per day.

At the same time, for the third day Germany reduces the rate of pumping “undergrounds” – 0.35 percentage points on the gas day on September 7 (ended at 07.00 Moscow time on September 8) compared to 0.4 percentage points and 0.54 percentage points the days before. At the same time, gas withdrawal in Denmark exceeds injection (-0.26 percentage points and -0.11 percentage points), while in Belgium, Latvia and Ukraine, the “subways” are filled slowly – by 0.1 percentage points per day.

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At the same time, deliveries from Russia remain limited. On September 3, Nord Stream did not come out of a three-day scheduled repair due to malfunctions at the only working GPA CS Portovaya. At the same time, gas transit through Ukraine remains at the same levels.