Germany spoke about the increase in the level of gas reserves in storage

BERLIN, Sep 15 – PRIME. Gas storage facilities in Germany are 88.72% full, Germany’s Federal Network Agency said on Thursday.

The Germans demanded that the authorities launch Nord Stream 2

“The overall storage rate in Germany is 88.72%. The gas level in the Rehden storage facility is 74.63%,” the regulator said in a daily report. Thus, over the past 24 hours, the overall filling level of gas storage facilities in the country has increased by 0.23%. In Reden, the indicator has not changed, due to the fact that from September 12 to 24, scheduled maintenance is carried out there, during which neither injection nor withdrawal of gas is carried out.

The situation remains tense, further deterioration of the situation cannot be ruled out, the regulator adds. However, gas supplies to Germany are stable at the moment.

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At the same time, deliveries from Russia remain limited. Nord Stream did not come out of a three-day scheduled maintenance on September 3, as previously expected. In “Gazprom” this was explained by the identified malfunctions at the only working GPA CS “Portovaya”.

In addition, according to the regulator, large-scale repairs will be carried out in September in the European gas infrastructure, including in Belgium and Norway.

“According to the assessment of the Federal Network Agency (based, among other things, on information from market participants), maintenance work is not relevant to the security of supply in Germany. A potential, temporary decrease in import and export flows associated with repair work is partially offset directly from other sources,” the regulator said.

Earlier, Germany adopted legislative amendments obliging gas storage operators to fill them by 95% by November.