Hungary does not intend to change Russian fuel suppliers for nuclear power plants

BUDAPEST, 4th — PRIME. Hungary does not intend to change Russian suppliers of fuel for the Paks-1 nuclear power plant to foreign companies, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations Peter Szijjarto said.

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“As for the fuel for (NPP) Paks-1, we have a valid contract with the Russians, on the basis of which they supply on an ongoing basis, so there is no point in looking for another partner … I will, of course, listen to all proposals, but change the existing practice I don’t see the point, at least I haven’t received such a proposal from anyone yet,” Szijjarto said in an interview with the Hungarian ATV channel, answering a journalist’s question whether the participation of the American company Westinghouse in the supply of fuel for the Paks nuclear power plant is possible.

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According to him, in April, fuel was delivered from Russia to the Paks NPP by plane, which will last for two years.

“As for Paks-2, let’s not talk about fuel for now, because we have a construction contract, we don’t have a fuel supply contract yet. First, we need to build a power plant,” the minister said.

The only nuclear power plant in Hungary, Paks, is located 100 kilometers from Budapest and five from the city of Paks. The station was built according to the Soviet project, it operates four units with VVER-440 reactors. The Paks nuclear power plant now generates almost half of all electricity in Hungary, and with the planned commissioning of two new Paks units, this share is expected to double. For Hungary, nuclear energy is a way to ensure its energy security, the leadership of this country has repeatedly emphasized.

At the end of 2014, Russia and Hungary signed documents on the construction of new power units No. 5 and No. 6 with reactor plants at the Paks NPP according to the advanced Russian VVER-1200 project, which meets the most modern reliability and safety standards. It was reported that Russia would give Hungary a state loan of up to 10 billion euros for the Paks-2 project, and the total cost of the work would be 12.5 billion euros.

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