In all apartments with gas, they want to install leak detectors

MOSCOW, 6 Sep — PRIME. It was proposed to include the cost and installation of gas analyzers in apartments, as well as maintenance of appliances and other gas equipment, into the tariffs for housing and communal services, Izvestia writes.

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The corresponding bill is planned to be submitted to the State Duma in the near future, said Svetlana Razvorotneva, deputy chairman of the lower house committee on construction and housing and communal services.

According to her, if the document is adopted, such devices will appear in all gasified apartments. Devices will be installed in a queue. In case of leaks, gas analyzers automatically turn off the fuel or loudly signal an emergency.

The installation of appliances, their maintenance and control of other gas equipment are planned to be entrusted to gas distribution companies that supply gas to homes.

According to Pavel Sklyanchuk, an expert at the Delovaya Rossiya committee on communal infrastructure and housing and communal services, there are about 600,000 gasified multi-apartment buildings in Russia out of 2.2 million, that is, approximately 27%. He explained that there is no gas equipment in new buildings, and old buildings are gradually being demolished.

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According to the subcommittee on gas management of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia on entrepreneurship in the housing and communal services sector, gas analyzers with an installation cost about 3.5 thousand rubles, with a valve – 5.5 thousand. Due to the fact that the devices will probably be purchased in bulk and paid in installments, their cost in payments will hardly be noticeable, Razvorotneva noted.

Sklyanchuk predicts that the installation of a gas analyzer can add about 1% to the cost of a line for gas, and together with maintenance by checking equipment – up to 5%. He added that, on average, for a family of three with a stove and a water heater, the cost of gas costs about 1.5-2 thousand rubles a month.