In France, allowed the possibility of saving on Christmas lights

MOSCOW, 8 Sep — PRIME. The mayor of the French city of Lille has admitted that it will reduce the amount of Christmas illumination to save on electricity bills, Lille Vice Mayor Audrey Linkenheld told BFM Business on Thursday.

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“Christmas lights represent a small part of the cost of public lighting. The festive mood that they create is dear to everyone … However, we do not exclude that we can shorten the period during which the streets of the city will be decorated,” the vice mayor said.

She added that traditionally the streets of the city are decorated from mid-November to mid-January. This year, the illumination will probably appear in the city only from December 6 (Saint Nicholas Day, which opens the series of winter holidays in France) to December 31 (Saint Sylvester’s Day, or New Year’s Eve).

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This summer, the French government launched an “energy sobriety” program with the goal of reducing electricity consumption by 10% to avoid shortages in the coming winter.

On Thursday, the mayor’s office presented its plan to reduce electricity consumption. According to the document, a number of administrative buildings will no longer be illuminated in the evening.

Earlier, French media reported that the wholesale price of electricity in France will reach a record high in 2023, exceeding the mark of 1,000 euros per megawatt-hour, which is 1,000% more than a year earlier.

French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire urged French businesses to reduce their energy consumption and prepare for a “particularly tough winter”. He has repeatedly reported that from 2023, after the end of government measures to stabilize electricity prices, which limit the growth of energy bills to 4%, prices will begin to rise.