Media: US may impose sanctions on a major Chinese chipmaker

MOSCOW, 24 Oct – PRIME. The US may impose export restrictions on China’s major chip maker Naura Technology Group, US officials are already in talks with representatives of the Chinese company about possible measures, the reason is that Naura’s subsidiary is on the Washington watch list of trading partners, South China newspaper reports Morning Post citing sources.

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“United States government officials have begun discussions with a leading Chinese semiconductor manufacturing equipment supplier about Washington’s latest restrictions on high-tech exports,” the sources told the newspaper, specifying the Naura Technology Group.

The talks came weeks after Naura’s subsidiary was added to the UVL, a list of unverified importers compiled by the US Department of Commerce. According to US law, companies that are on this list and do not provide data to the US Bureau of Industry and Security at the US Department of Commerce can be added to the so-called US trade “black list” – Entity List. Companies in it cannot use technologies, components and parts made in the USA without a special license.

The meeting, according to the newspaper, will help provide the necessary data to the American bureau and, as the company hopes, achieve the exclusion of the “daughter” from these lists, and, as a result, prevent possible restrictions. Previously, Naura, according to the newspaper, provided incorrect data to UVL, saying that the revenue from the subsidiary’s business was only 0.5% (less than in reality) of the company’s total revenue. If the meeting of US officials with Naura is officially confirmed, it will be a signal that companies in the semiconductor industry in China are ready to comply with all US rules in order to avoid restrictions, the newspaper said.

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Previously, a number of other firms, such as technology company WuXi Biologics, went through a similar scheme – compliance with the verification procedure. She reported that her daughter was expelled from the UVL after due diligence by the United States. Naura, writes the South China Morning Post, asked its US employees in China to stop work on a number of projects – the move was taken after the US Department of Commerce Bureau notified of restrictions for US individuals to participate in semiconductor manufacturing projects in China without the appropriate license.

These are not the only companies in China, the newspaper writes, fearing restrictions from the United States – for example, recently the leading chipmaker in China, Yangtze Memory Technologies Co. measures by the American authorities.