German expert considers Nord Stream repair a difficult task

MOSCOW, 29 Sep — PRIME. Repair work to eliminate leaks in the Nord Stream will be a difficult task, Bloomberg reported, citing the chairman of the German Scientific and Technical Association for Gas and Water, Gerald Linke.

Media: in Germany they are sure that the threads of the Nord Streams were blown up

The expert said that work at a depth of 70 meters would be a “technical problem”. In his opinion, water could get into the pipelines, and in order to remove it from there, it is necessary to achieve excess pressure in them or use special equipment.

It is noted that such work is carried out using diving bells.

There is little doubt that this was an attack and not an accident as there is a significant distance between the three holes in the three pipelines where the leaks originated and these all appeared within a few hours of each other.

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So far, pundits have suggested that Russia, the US, Ukrainian special forces and Poland could have been responsible.

German Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Green party) warned of the danger of further acts of sabotage. “Of course, the critical infrastructure is a potential target,” said the Vice Chancellor. “But Germany is a country that knows how to defend itself and Europe is a continent that can protect its energy infrastructure.”

Norway, currently one of the most important suppliers of non-Russian gas to Europe, has massively strengthened the protection of its pipeline system.

The European Union also considers sabotage to be the likely cause of the leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines and has threatened to take countermeasures.

“All available information indicates that these leaks are the result of a deliberate act,” said EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell the same day, reports Tagesspiegel. Any intentional disruption to Europe’s energy infrastructure will “be met with a robust and collective response.”

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As expected, Ukraine was even more explicit: “The large-scale ‘gas leak’ at Nord Stream 1 is nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards the EU,” wrote Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak on Twitter.

Moscow has blamed the US, pointing to explicit threats by US President Joe Biden and others ahead of the war that the US would shut down the pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine, irrespective of its European partners wishes. Russia has called a UN emergency meeting where it will present its evidence.

According to a Russian media report, a US helicopter that was loitering over that section of the pipeline could be involved in the leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines.

“The MH-60R Strike Hawk multi-role helicopter circled over the Baltic Sea for nine hours – from 19:30 Moscow time on Sunday, September 25 to 4:30 Moscow time on Monday, September 26; about 250 kilometres from the Danish island of Bornholm, where the gas leak was detected,” wrote the internet newspaper on Wednesday, citing data from Flightradar.

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However, others point out that the helicopters are also routinely used in anti-submarine operations.