Most Belgians fear they won’t be able to pay their energy bills

BRUSSELS, September 19 — PRIME. Most Belgians fear they won’t be able to pay their energy bills in the coming months, according to a survey conducted by Belgian publication LeSoir, TV channel RTL and Ipsos.

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“64% of Belgians fear they won’t be able to pay their energy bills,” writes LeSoir. Eight out of ten respondents reported that they reduced their consumption of electricity, gas, fuel for heating houses.

In addition, about 40% of Belgians admitted that they were forced to use their savings or even borrow funds to pay their bills.

At the same time, 37% do not count on the authorities of any level in solving energy problems. The opinion of the rest was divided between the leadership of the EU, the Belgian federal government and local authorities.

One in three Belgians surveyed reported a reduction in health spending due to high energy prices. The survey was conducted from 7 to 13 September 2022. It was attended by 2602 respondents aged 18 and over. The maximum error is from 3.1% to 4% depending on the region.

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The survey was conducted before the announcement of new measures to support citizens, which were published by the Belgian government last Friday. The new measures should save up to 200 euros to the most vulnerable citizens in November and December. Local media have already criticized these measures as insufficient.

The West stepped up sanctions pressure on Russia due to the events in Ukraine, which led to an increase in prices for electricity, fuel and food in Europe and the United States. Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously stated that the policy of containing and weakening Russia is a long-term strategy for the West, and sanctions have dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy.