Pangolin Whatsminer M10 – Hashrate | Profitability | Specs

Pangolin Whatsminer M10 - Hashrate Profitability Specs

Here is a look at the Pangolin Whatsminer M10 Miner ASIC and its Hashrate, specification, profitability and other relevant information you need to look If you look at the history of bitcoin mining, then it can be divided into several stages. The first, when mining was available on processors (CPUs), the second – using video cards (GPUs), and the third – using special ASIC miners. Obviously, in the next few years, we will already observe a powerful confrontation between the manufacturers of ASIC miners in terms of increasing productivity and reducing energy consumption. Today we will look at a brand new miner called Pangolin Whatsminer M10, the first shipment of which will take place on September 20, 2018.

How was Whatsminer M10 created? What is his performance? Will it be relevant in 2018? You will find answers to these questions in our article!

Details on Pangolin Whatsminer M10

At the end of July 2018, the Chinese company Pangolin introduced one of the most productive ASIC miners for mining Bitcoin / Bitcoin Cash – Whatsminer M10, which in their opinion will directly compete with the existing ASICminer 8 Nano Compact and GMO miner B3.

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Details on Pangolin Whatsminer M10

The M10 model is characterized by improved energy efficiency when using the already obsolete 16 nm process technology, so it can be argued that the device will be relevant for a long time due to its affordable price tag and characteristics close to the top devices made by the new 10 nm process technology.

The case of Whatsminer M10 is almost the same as that of the Antminer S9, only unlike it, the M10 has an interesting system of latches and grooves, which allows you to put the speakers on top of each other in a neat and safe way.

Specification and Hashrate Whatsminer M10

Specification and Hashrate Whatsminer M10 ASIC:

  • The hashing algorithm – SHA256;
  • Productivity – 33 TH / s
  • Power Consumption – 2145 W;
  • Noise level – 76 dB;
  • Weight – 8.5kg;
  • Cost – $ 1880 (with power supply);
  • Start of sales – September 20, 2018;

As you already understood, M10 is quite voracious and consumes 2145 W at a temperature of about 25 ° C. Of course, the higher the room temperature, the more electricity the fans will consume to cool the boards.

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As for the noise level, Pangolin has done a great job on combining the placement of fans that blow well .. but still quite loud. 77 dB is a high indicator for installing Whatsminer M10 in an apartment. Therefore, a garage, balcony or attic is more suitable here.

Profitability and Return – Pangolin Whatsminer M10

With the increase in electricity tariffs and the complexity of bitcoin mining, Whatsminer M10 is especially suitable for those who have access to cheap or even “shareware” electricity. As of the end of August 2018, the payback period of this ASIC is about 12 months, taking into account the consumed electricity, and the amount of net profit is $ 3.74 per day. If the price of bitcoin increases significantly during mining, then the profitability of Whatsminer M10 may well go beyond what is expected. You can also try to mine Bitcoin Cash, everything will depend on the state of affairs in the crypto market.

Profitability and Return - Pangolin Whatsminer M10


Obviously, the Pangolin Whatsminer M10 attracts miners for its low price, which could be a decisive factor in the choice of device. If you can find a cheap source of electricity for yourself, then the M10 can become one of the best ASIC miners on the market.

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For the long term, Whatsminer M10 is a great value for $ 1,588. Due to its convenience and ease of use, this device is ideal for beginners who want to enter the ASIC mining market, and after 1.5-2 years switch to more expensive equipment. The main thing here is to buy the M10 in the first shipment (batch 1), since over time the complexity of mining will only increase, and with it the performance of the device will decrease.