Polish PGNiG plans to use the full capacity of Baltic Pipe

WARSAW, 23 Sep — PRIME. The Polish oil and gas concern PGNiG will use 100% of the capacity of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, laid from the Norwegian shelf, the company said.

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Earlier, the media reported that Baltic Pipe would not be provided with the required number of contracts for gas transportation.

“We clarify that PGNiG will use the gas pipeline capacity planned for this year by 100%. Gas supplies are also provided for the entire heating season 2022-2023,” the message says. “The spread of information that the Baltic Pipe will be empty should be seen as disinformation aimed at causing unrest and uncertainty in public opinion,” PGNiG also said.

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It is noted that PGNiG in the past few weeks has concluded additional contracts for the purchase of gas from companies operating on the Norwegian continental shelf. “Thanks to this, the company has gas volumes for the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline at a level that guarantees that, together with other sources of acquisition (domestic production, LNG supplies and stockpiles), it will be able to fully meet the demand of its Polish consumers in the upcoming heating season,” also the message says.

Igor Dodon

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On April 27, Gazprom suspended the export of gas to a Polish company due to non-payment for deliveries under the new scheme in rubles. Poland previously received up to 10 billion gas from Russia per year through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline. The country’s authorities hope to compensate for this volume with the help of the Baltic Pipe, which will be stretched from the Norwegian shelf through Denmark.

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A few years ago, the heads of government of Poland and Denmark signed a memorandum on the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, which is planned to supply Norwegian gas to Poland through Denmark. The gas pipeline is expected to be completed in October. Its full capacity of 10 billion cubic meters per year is expected to be reached from early 2023. It is planned that the first gas from the Norwegian shelf will arrive in Poland on 1 October.