The Ministry of Digital Transformation explained what to do to employees of IT companies who received a summons

MOSCOW, Sep 23 — PRIME. Employees of IT companies and telecom operators with the right to defer their appearance at the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda must take a number of documents with them, including a certificate of employment, the Ministry of Digital Development said in a statement.

Specialists of the media, IT, communications and finance will not be involved in partial mobilization

“If an employee of an accredited IT company who meets the deferment requirements has already received a summons. In this case, we recommend that you take with you, in addition to presenting the original or a certified copy of the employment contract with the employer, when you personally appear at the military registration and enlistment office,” the ministry said in a statement.

In addition, you need to have a diploma of a specialized higher education with you; an extract from the register of state accreditation of the company-employer in the field of IT, certified by the general director of the company or a person authorized by him.

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You will also need a certificate from the place of work, signed by the CEO or a person authorized by him, stating that “the employee is involved in the development, development, implementation, maintenance and operation of IT solutions or in ensuring the functioning of the information infrastructure,” reports the Ministry of Digital Development.

If a summons is received by an employee of a telecom operator that meets the requirements for a deferment, such a certificate must confirm that the employee is involved “in ensuring the stability, security and integrity of the functioning of individual communication facilities, communication facilities and communication lines of the public communication network, as well as data processing centers “.

Just like an employee of an IT company, it is necessary to have an original or certified copy of the employment contract with the employer and a diploma of professional higher education.

Another document for employees of the telecom operator is a certified copy of the license issued to the employer on carrying out activities in the field of providing communication services.

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Earlier on Friday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that in order to ensure the operation of certain high-tech industries, as well as the financial system of Russia, a decision was made not to recruit citizens with higher education in the relevant specialties and areas of training as part of the partial mobilization of citizens with higher education. In particular, we are talking about the fact that IT, communications, media and finance specialists will not be involved in partial mobilization.