Robot Max answered a million questions about partial mobilization

MOSCOW, 26 Sep — PRIME. The digital assistant of the Gosuslug portal robot Max answered 1 million questions about partial mobilization, the Ministry of Digital Development said.

Chernyshenko instructed the regions to ensure the operation of the 122 service on weekends

“The digital assistant of the Gosuslug portal, robot Max, answers questions from citizens about partial mobilization. Since September 21, the robot has already answered 1 million questions on this topic … Also, almost 4,000 requests were received on the topic of how to voluntarily enlist in the army,” the report says. message published in the department’s Telegram channel.

The ministry recalled that Max is a digital assistant on the State Services portal, which appeared in November 2021. The robot supplements the “traditional” search and answers users’ questions online.

It is clarified that most often users asked the digital assistant about who can be mobilized, what is needed for exemption from conscription, and also clarified questions related to age restrictions on partial mobilization

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On Friday, the Ministry of Defense announced that in order to ensure the operation of certain high-tech industries, as well as the financial system of Russia, a decision was made not to recruit citizens with higher education in the relevant specialties and areas of training as part of the partial mobilization of citizens with higher education. In particular, we are talking about the fact that IT, communications, media and finance specialists will not be involved in partial mobilization. The Ministry of Digital Development supported this decision.

In Russia, a partial mobilization has been announced by presidential decree since September 21. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a total of 300 thousand reservists will be called up, which is just over 1% of the total mobilization resource of the Russian Federation.