Russia is interested in building up cooperation with China in the energy sector

MOSCOW, 7 Oct – PRIME. Russia is interested in building up cooperation with China in the energy sector, including nuclear, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

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“For our part, we are interested in building up cooperation with Chinese friends in various energy sectors: oil and gas, nuclear, hydrogen, solar, wind,” he said during the fourth meeting of the commission of the General Council of the United Russia party on international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad.

Moscow is against imposing bans on the use of fossil energy sources, Lavrov also said.

According to him, Russia, together with like-minded people, continues to uphold the need to maintain a balance between work to combat climate change, on the one hand, and the tasks of socio-economic development, on the other.

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“We are opposed to imposing restrictions on the use of fossil resources, discrimination of certain energy sources, the use of which could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” Lavrov said, speaking at a meeting of the commission of the General Council of the United Russia party.