Russian company will take part in the construction of a gas pipeline in Uzbekistan

TASHKENT, 6 Oct – PRIME. The Russian LLC Nadymstroygazdobycha will take part in the construction of a new 95-kilometer main gas pipeline Yangiyer-Akhangaran in Uzbekistan, the press service of Uztransgaz, the gas supply operator, said on Thursday.

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“The construction of a new gas pipeline in the Yangiyer-Akhangaran direction has begun. The project is being implemented by FDI UzLITI Engineering LLC. The customer is Transgazengineering LLC, the construction contractor is Nadymstroygazdobycha, and the subcontractor is Enter Engineering LLC,” the channel said. Uztransgaz” in the Telegram messenger.

The new gas pipeline with a length of 95 kilometers is intended for a stable supply of consumers in Tashkent and the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan, completion of construction is scheduled for March, the first batch of pipes with a diameter of 1200 millimeters has already been delivered to the construction site, the company said.

The project is being implemented under the program for modernizing and improving the efficiency of the main gas transmission system of Uzbekistan for 2021-2022. The program provides for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of 545 kilometers of gas pipelines, as well as the overhaul of compressor station installations.

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In April 2021, the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK), the Russian Export Center and Enter Engineering, one of the largest contractors in the oil and gas sector of Uzbekistan, signed a memorandum on scientific, technical and investment cooperation to modernize the gas transmission system of Uzbekistan. The volume of investments within the framework of cooperation projects may exceed $180 million.