Russian IT companies will provide consent to the disclosure of tax secrets

MOSCOW, 20 Oct – PRIME. Russian IT companies must submit their consent to the disclosure of tax secrets to the Federal Tax Service by the end of October, the ministry said.

Ministry of Digital Development: IT companies from new territories have the right to receive accreditation

As specified, this is necessary to confirm compliance with the accreditation requirements.

“All accredited IT companies must, within a month after the entry into force of the new accreditation procedure – until October 31 – send consent to the Federal Tax Service to disclose information constituting a tax secret,” the report says.

Consent can be provided in the taxpayer’s personal account or through an electronic document management operator.

Earlier, the agency launched a service on the Gosuslug portal, with which you can check whether an IT company has state accreditation and determine whether it is eligible for benefits.