Shell is working on the termination of participation in the former operator “Sakhalin – 2”

MOSCOW, 31 Aug – PRIME. The Anglo-Dutch energy Shell is working on withdrawing from the membership of the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, the former operator of the Sakhalin-2 project, a spokesman for the company told RIA Novosti.

Mitsui announced the confirmation of the application for Sakhalin-2 from the Russian authorities

“We continue to work on our intention to withdraw from the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, while complying with all applicable laws and existing agreements,” a Shell spokesman said, answering a question about the company’s plans to continue participating in Sakhalin-2.

Shell also recalled that the head of the company, Ben van Beurden, had previously noted the improbability of joining the Russian operator.

On June 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree in connection with the unfriendly actions of foreign states, which ordered to change the operator of the Sakhalin-2 project to a new, Russian, legal entity, and the preservation of a share in it by foreigners after that remained in question. In the former operator, Sakhalin Energy, Gazprom owned 50% plus one share, Shell – 27.5% minus one share, Mitsui – 12.5%, Mitsubishi – 10%.

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The new operator (OOO Sakhalin Energy) was established on August 5 with a stake in the charter capital of Gazprom Sakhalin Holding. And foreign partners have the right to stay in the project if they announce such a decision before September 5. Thus, the Japanese Mitsui has already sent a corresponding request to the Russian government, and on August 30 the Cabinet of Ministers allowed its 12.5% ​​stake in the new Sakhalin-2 operator to be transferred to it. At the same time, the media reported that Mitsubishi also decided to stay in the project, but there have been no official announcements in this regard yet.