Static IP for HiveOS installation: Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges HiveOS Top 15

Static IP for HiveOS installation

Static IP for HiveOS installation: Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges HiveOS Top 15 – In order to set a static IP address for your rig, you need to follow a couple of simple steps!

All network configurations are stored here:


They are visible from Windows, so you can edit them before downloading.

Configuration example for a static IP address:

[Network] DHCP=no

This page has selected some of the best and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges with open registration and many available trading pairs.

Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges HiveOS

Due to such high growth trends in the popularity of digital currencies, cryptocurrency exchanges appear “like mushrooms after rain.” At the moment, there are already more than 300 of them, and every day there are only more exchanges. This is explained by the fact that the cryptocurrency market is not yet controlled by anyone, neither the state nor other regulatory structures can influence the development trends of the crypto world, due to which huge amounts of money flow through the exchanges every day.

1Y YobitYobit2014
2E ExmoExmo2013
3C CryptopiaCryptopia2014
4B BTC-AlphaBTC-Alpha2016
5B BitflipBitflip 2017
6B BinanceBinance2017
7L LivecoinLivecoin2014
eightP PoloniexPoloniex2014
nineH HitBTCHitBTC2011
tenC CoinExchangeCoinExchange2016
elevenT TradesatoshiTradesatoshi2015
12T TidexTidex2017
13S SpectrocoinSpectrocoin2013
fourteenC CexCex2013
15D DSXDSX2014
Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges HiveOS

Many people use these services to store mined (mined) cryptocurrencies, to exchange them for bitcoins or other altcoins, to sell crypts and withdraw them into fiat money, to make money on the difference in rates and increase their own capital.

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It is not so easy to choose the most convenient and functional exchanges from such a large number, since the analysis of each one takes on average at least forty minutes, or even more. Therefore, we did it for you and prepared a list of the best platforms on which the most optimal conditions for trading, exchange, and storage of cryptocurrency have been created.

In the presented list, we have collected the most reliable, safe and convenient sites that guarantee almost 100% safety of your funds. Each project has a multi-level security system, which is almost impossible to break. Why “almost”, but because there is no perfect system.

Every day we test new trading platforms, most of which do not meet the specified criteria, but if the platform meets our requirements, is characterized by reliability, availability of a large number of trading pairs, high transaction processing speed, then it will definitely be added to our list!