Sweden warns of possible difficulties with electricity in winter

MOSCOW, 10 Sep — PRIME. Sweden could face power outages this winter, Lotta Medelius-Bredhe, CEO of the country’s transmission system operator Svenska Kraftnät, told Dagens Nyheter newspaper.

In Italy, they talked about the losses of families and companies due to electricity and gas tariffs

“We may find ourselves in situations where it will be coldest, early in the morning or late in the evening, when at worst we will have to resort to a blackout (of electricity). Like a normal power outage, for an hour or two you have no electricity,” she said. .

She added that although Sweden is a major exporter of electricity, “on the coldest days” the kingdom is faced with the need to import it. According to Bredhe, “in a typical winter” the country needs to import 1,400 MW of electricity.

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Medelius-Bredhe also warned that the Swedes will face very high electricity prices this winter.

On Saturday, SVT reported that Swedish electricity exports to the EU in July 2022, against the background of the energy crisis in the European Union, amounted to a record four terawatt-hours.

After the start of a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, the West stepped up sanctions pressure on Russia, which led to an increase in prices for electricity, fuel and food in Europe and the United States. Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously stated that the policy of containing and weakening Russia is a long-term strategy for the West, and sanctions have dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy. According to him, the main goal of the West is to worsen the lives of millions of people.