The Czech Republic again convened an extraordinary meeting of the heads of the EU Energy Ministry on September 30

MOSCOW, September 13 – PRIME. The Czech Republic, which presides over the Council of EU countries, convened an extraordinary meeting of EU energy ministers on September 30 to approve new energy meters. This is stated in the Chairmanship’s Twitter with reference to the Minister of Industry of the country, Joseph Sikely.

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“On September 30, we will finish what we started last week. I have just convened another extraordinary energy council to discuss the proposals of the Commission to Combat High Energy Prices,” the statement said.

Previously, the Czech Republic convened an extraordinary meeting of ministers on September 9 amid rising energy prices in the union.

The European Commission prepared a document for it, where it outlined a number of emergency and temporary measures that can be tried in the EU to alleviate the situation on the energy market. Among them is the introduction of a price ceiling for Russian pipeline gas, the establishment of a mandatory goal to reduce electricity consumption during peak hours.

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In addition, the European Commission invited countries to negotiate a revenue cap for companies that produce electricity at low cost and receive large profits because of this. The surplus profits of such firms could be used to help vulnerable EU residents and companies. Measures to support the liquidity of energy supply companies are also proposed for discussion.

The ministers have discussed these measures and now the European Commission must submit the final proposals, it is possible that this will be done on Tuesday. Ministers and the European Parliament will have to discuss and agree on them before they can become binding on the entire EU.