The demand of Russians for online entertainment has doubled

MOSCOW, 7 Oct – PRIME. The demand of Russians for online entertainment content has doubled in the past two weeks compared to the same previous period, according to a study of the payment service for online stores CloudPayments (the service is part of the Cloud group), the results of which are available to RIA Novosti.

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“From September 21, 2022 to October 4, 2022, compared to the corresponding previous period (September 7-20, 2022), online turnover in the digital content category grew by 109% (more than twice), while online purchases increased by 143%, and the average purchase amount decreased by 34%: from 640 rubles to 420 rubles,” the authors of the study calculated.

According to analysts, in the category of books, publications on psychology were in special demand, especially those that help to solve problems with stress and survive difficult moments. From fiction, users more often chose detective stories, science fiction and fantasy.

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Among films and series, the popularity of melodramas, dramas and comedies has grown, in addition, users preferred detective stories, as well as films about the Great Patriotic War. It is noteworthy that the musical preferences of Russians during this period practically did not change – with rare exceptions, people chose the same genres and the same performers as before – but the number of downloads and listening to music tracks increased significantly.