The expert expects that without Russian oil and gas, the EU will switch to nuclear power

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — PRIME. Europe without Russian hydrocarbons will have to rebuild on the rails of nuclear energy, which will take time, and before that somewhere to buy resources at exorbitant prices – all this will lead to a weakening of the European economy, Maxim Shein, director of customer relations at BCS World of Investments, told RIA Novosti.

Anglo-Saxons are actually destroying the energy structure of Europe, Putin said

“The era of cheap resources is ending, as more and more energy must be spent to produce a unit of energy. Green energy is initially inefficient from this point of view. There are no resources in Europe, so we will have to rebuild on the rails of nuclear energy, and this will take time,” he said. answering the question whether Europe can live without Russian energy resources.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday at the signing ceremony of agreements on the entry of new territories into Russia that the United States, pushing through the EU’s complete rejection of Russian energy carriers and other resources, is leading to the de-industrialization of Europe in order to completely “take over the European market.” The European elites understand this, but they prefer to serve other people’s interests, the Russian leader added.

The expert noted that before the transition to nuclear energy, Europe will have to buy energy resources somewhere at exorbitant prices. At the same time, he said, the United States will not be able to provide the EU in full, and, apparently, they will resell foreign resources.

“As a result, Europe will be uncompetitive in many commodity items. In any case, this will lead to a weakening of the European economy and a crisis. And at the same time, this will help the United States avoid a large-scale crisis. At least for now,” Shein concluded.

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After the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, Western countries began to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation, in particular, on Russian energy resources. Putin said that the policy of containment and weakening of Russia is a long-term strategy of the West, and the sanctions dealt a serious blow to the entire world economy.