The expert told whether it is possible to completely “remove” from the Network

MOSCOW, 26 Sep — PRIME. Any person born in the Internet era inevitably leaves a digital footprint on the global web. But you should not be afraid of this. The quality and quantity of information in this trail is what really matters. Each of us independently determines the degree of risk arising in the process of using social networks or, for example, delivery services. But if for some reason you decide to minimize your presence in the virtual space, then there are a number of measures that can help you with this, Pavel Myasoedov, director of the IT Reserve company, tells the Prime agency.

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Let’s start with the legal background. On the territory of Russia, there is a so-called “law on oblivion” – a number of amendments made to the Federal Law “On information, information technologies and information protection” and articles 29 and 402 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. “On its basis, a citizen has the right to apply to the service support for a search service, like Yandex, with a request to remove the results of search queries about yourself.

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“Similar laws exist in other countries, and some search engines themselves offer such a service. To do this, you need to go down to the bottom of the site and find the appropriate support section,” the specialist explains.

Unfortunately, such manipulation will only make it more difficult to find information about you. The data will still remain on the sites, Myasoedov warns. Therefore, the next step is to search for local so-called data brokers. These companies have been aggregating user information for years and then selling it to advertisers.

One user for them “does not do the weather”, so they often meet halfway and, upon request, can remove you from the lists. Data brokers most often focus on specific markets, so they may differ from region to region. But to find them, according to the expert, is not difficult through the same search engines.

Specialized services can simplify the task, but “the problem is that most of them are located in the English-speaking part of the Internet.” However, a few Russian-speakers also exist, as do specialized reputation cleaning organizations.

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“These measures, along with the manual deletion of all pages on social networks and the closure of personal accounts on various sites, if they do not solve the problem completely, then they will carefully disguise the user, and it will be extremely difficult to find him,” the specialist assures.