The Governor of Primorye announced the restoration of power supply after the typhoon

MOSCOW, 10 Sep — PRIME. Power supply was restored in seven settlements of the Partizansky district of Primorye after Typhoon Hinnamnor, Governor Oleg Kozhemyako said.

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The state of emergency due to typhoon “Hinnamnor” was introduced in six municipalities of Primorye. The authorities reported that the downpours caused by the typhoon flooded 991 houses, 1,072 household plots, and damaged 34 bridges. One person died. Kozhemyako appealed to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with a request to introduce a state of emergency at the federal level in Primorye. On Friday, the regional head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that the flood situation after the typhoon is stabilizing, the water has left 631 houses and 247 plots.

“Power engineers continue to eliminate the consequences of the cyclone. Last night, power supply was returned to the villages of Novitskoye, Nikolaevka, Uglekamensk, Monakino, Molchanovo, Vladimiro-Aleksandrovskoye and Zolotaya Dolina in the Partizansky district,” Kozhemyako said in his Telegram channel.

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He added that so far it has not been possible to fully restore power supply in the Lazovsky District.

“When connected, it gives an error on the line of the Typhoon substation. Restoration work continues,” the head of the region added.