The Ministry of Digital Transformation announced a tender for the development of an application for checking business

MOSCOW, August 26 – PRIME. The Ministry of Digital Development has announced a tender for the development of the Inspector mobile application for remote business verification in Russia with a total initial contract price of 70 million rubles. This is stated in the materials on the Internet portal of public procurement.

The Ministry of Digital Development proposed to simplify the implementation of digital transformation of departments

Earlier, the Ministry of Digital Transformation reported that the technology for remote verification of business in a pilot mode will begin in Russia in September, it will allow inspectors, when licensing, to check that entrepreneurs comply with the necessary requirements in video conferencing mode (VKS).

The purchase customer is the Ministry of Digital Development, the object is “performance of work on the development of the subsystem” Mobile application “Inspector” of the state information system “Typical cloud solution for automation of control (supervisory) activities”.

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It is noted that the maximum amount of the contract is 69.969 million rubles. Applications are open until September 9, 2022. The deadline for completing the work is from the date of the conclusion of the contract to March 20, 2023, and the source of funding is the federal budget, follows from the terms of reference.

According to the terms of reference, the developer must implement new opportunities for the implementation of supervisory and preventive measures, reduce the burden on inspectors during these activities, and also reduce the impact of the human factor in the supervision process.

The development of the subsystem involves the provision of the ability to perform control and supervisory activities remotely, including using video conferencing; participation in the process of the inspector and the controlled person; the possibility of signing documents based on the results of the verification using an electronic signature, as well as providing the opportunity for controlled bodies to independently perform certain operations within the framework of the verification.

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