The Ministry of Digital Transformation will connect military registration and enlistment offices to the secure Internet in 2023

MOSCOW, 20 Oct – PRIME. In 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia will complete the connection of military registration and enlistment offices to the network of the Ministry of Defense and to the secure Internet, head of the department Maksut Shadayev said at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Budget Policy.

The Ministry of Digital Development launched a marketplace for Russian software

“Next year, we are completing the connection of all military commissariats. This program has been implemented since 2019. And next year, all military commissariats will be connected to the network of the Ministry of Defense and to the secure Internet,” the minister said.

According to Shadayev, in 2022 it is planned to complete the construction of an underwater fiber-optic communication line to Chukotka.