The sixth power unit of Zaporozhye NPP is operating at 60%

MOSCOW, 1 Sep — PRIME. The sixth block of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, which is in working condition, is functioning at 60%, said the head of the administration of the Zaporozhye region, Yevhen Balitsky, on the air of Channel One.

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He noted that this volume is sufficient to supply energy to both the liberated territory of the region and the territory controlled by Ukraine.

“Now one block is operating at 60%, this is enough to ensure the safety of the station, and, accordingly, to provide electricity to both the territory not controlled by Kyiv and the territory that is on the side of Ukraine – today we are still supplying electricity to them,” he added. .

Balitsky explained that the decision was made to stop the fifth block because of the rather high threat. In connection with the destruction of the consumption line, it was impossible to dump electricity from this block into the general network, he noted.

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