Thousands of Europeans came out to protest against the sharp drop in living standards

BERLIN/PARIS/VIENNA/ROME/PRAGUE, Oct 8 – PRIME Thousands of residents of European cities, including Berlin, Paris, Rome, Vienna and Prague, protested on Saturday against a sharp drop in living standards, many of them demanded cheap energy, and also opposed NATO and arms sales to Ukraine.

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In order to express their protest against the “anti-social policy of the authorities” in front of the Bundestag, residents from all over Germany gathered in the capital. The action was organized by the right-wing opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

The protesters demanded the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions, providing the country with cheap energy, repairing and commissioning Nord Stream 2. Many demonstrators came with German and Russian flags.

The posters said: “I want Russian gas and oil”, “He who is silent today will freeze tomorrow”, there were also calls for the resignation of the government. Some participants had Russian inscriptions on the posters, for example, “Peace and friendship with Russia.”

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According to police estimates, about 8,000 people took part in the demonstration. According to organizers, there were about 10,000 protesters.


In Paris, protesters demanded the resignation of French President Emmanuel Macron, thousands of people also took part in the action.

The demonstration was held at the call of the Yellow Vests movement and the Patriots movement, led by Florian Filippo.

The protesters demanded the resignation of French President Emmanuel Macron. They also opposed France’s membership in NATO and the supply of arms to Ukraine.

“We have gathered here to condemn the policy of the President of France, who supplies Ukraine with weapons for a war that does not concern us, weapons for the Ukrainian government of the Nazis! Because of this, we now have no gas, no electricity to ensure the operation of enterprises and heating in houses “, – one of the participants of the rally told RIA Novosti.


In Prague, according to the police, gathered 7-8 thousand people. Participants came from all over the country to the center of the capital, they represented various trade unions in the city.

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The demonstrators expressed dissatisfaction with the government due to the weak support of the population in the face of a sharp drop in living standards.

People protested because of the rise in prices for goods and services, primarily for energy.

The activists demanded that the authorities introduce regulation of prices for food and basic necessities, electricity and gas, as well as an increase in the level of the minimum wage this year.

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A trade union demonstration of many thousands took place on Saturday in Rome as well. The action was organized by the Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL).

She, along with other workers’ associations and international trade unions, has appealed to the Italian and European governments to demand that social justice and work be returned to the center of the political agenda.

To the future government, CGIL put forward a list of 10 proposals, among which are wage and pension increases, as well as the introduction of a minimum wage.

The demonstrators held banners and banners against the rise in the cost of living, inflation and rising energy tariffs. There were also many slogans of an anti-fascist and pacifist nature.

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A rally was held in Vienna on Saturday in support of the political and military neutrality of Austria, as well as for the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions, lower prices and against inflation.

About 2,000 people took part in the demonstration, according to organizers. They demanded that the authorities stop supporting “warmongers” from the EU, NATO and the US, restore full friendly relations with Moscow and ensure the continuation of energy supplies from Russia.

Among the speakers who addressed the meeting was the former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Heinz-Christian Strache. He accused the US and the CIA of starting a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine in 2014, which led to today’s dramatic events.