Tutorial: How do you retrieve a bitcoin scammer?

Tutorial How do you retrieve a bitcoin scammer

Cryptocurrency YouTuber Ben Perrin outsmarted a bitcoin scammer with the help of a clever trick. In fact, Perrin has managed to steal the scammer for 50 dollars. How did he do that?

Perrin is only too happy to explain that:

“This morning I woke up on a beautiful vacation day in Canada with a message from a clear scammer. This one promised me enormous fortunes when I gave her some bitcoin. Instead of telling this person to get lost, I opted for a mix of photoshop, strategically chosen random transactions on the blockchain and social engineering to teach a charity. ”

Scammers want you to transfer bitcoin first

The power of bitcoin is that addresses and transactions are difficult to trace to real people. But unfortunately there are also scammers who eagerly use it. Often these scammers simply come up with an “offer” to make money, but then you first have to transfer bitcoin.

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And the scammer at Perrin also wanted to achieve that. In the blog post, Perrin shares the entire conversation with the scammer. This is like Susan Williams, she has a special offer for Perrin. If Perrin transfers bitcoin, Williams doubles that. The scammer says it has its own bitcoin mining investment platform.

Perrin decides to play the game and carefully responds positively. He just wants to make sure that the “investment platform” of Susan Williams is legitimate. And that’s where the game starts.

50 dollars in bitcoin for charity

Ben Perrin manages to convince Susan to send him $ 50 in bitcoin first. The scammer initially did not want to do this, but Perrin insisted. Eventually he succeeded in receiving the 50 dollars.

Perrin then immediately sent the bitcoins to Bitcoin Venezuela. This is a non-profit organization that wants to help Venezuela with the help of bit-point transactions. This country in South America is suffering from hyperinflation. The prices rise extremely, making the national currency less and less valuable.

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The YouTuber wants to make a clear statement with this: never just send bitcoin to someone who has a special “offer” for you.

Do you want to read the conversation with the scammer yourself? That is possible here. It is worth reading, but you have to scroll a lot ?

Safety starts with you

Do you get a deal and does it seem too good to be true? Then that is often the case. If you have any doubts, you can always contact the BTC Direct support team. Well-known bitcoin scams are the Microsoft scam and Sextortion.