UK lifts moratorium on shale gas production

MOSCOW, Sep 22 — PRIME. The UK government has lifted a moratorium on shale gas production and confirmed its intention to issue new oil and gas licenses, according to a statement published Thursday on the British government website.

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The UK government has lifted the moratorium on shale gas production in England and reaffirmed its support for a new oil and gas licensing round.

In addition to the licenses, which are expected to be issued in early October, new field developers will need to obtain permission from local authorities and regulators to produce oil or gas in a particular license area, the website says.

The decision to lift the ban was made to strengthen Britain’s energy security and reduce dependence on energy imports from other countries, the statement said.

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In addition, the development of new fields will allow to collect more information about the resources of shale gas in the UK and improve the method of its extraction to improve the safety of the process, the document says.

Earlier, British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her intention to lift the ban on gas production in the country by hydraulic fracturing and issue over 100 licenses for gas and oil production in the North Sea to overcome the energy crisis in the country.

The UK government introduced a ban on fracked gas production in November 2019 due to the risk of seismic activity. Fracking is a method of extracting energy resources, including shale gas, by hydraulic fracturing.