Zaporozhye authorities spoke about the situation at the ZNPP after the power unit was shut down

MOSCOW, 12 Sep — PRIME. The situation at the ZNPP against the backdrop of the shutdown of the sixth power unit is controlled, the radiation background is normal, said Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the movement “We are together with Russia”, a member of the main council of the administration of the Zaporozhye region, to RIA Novosti.

The expert did not rule out a nuclear danger against the backdrop of the shutdown of the sixth block of the ZNPP

“The situation at the Zaporozhye NPP is under control. There were no new attacks. The radiation level is normal, within the natural background for our regions. The process of cooling down, that is, a cold shutdown of the plant,” he said, adding that there was no flow from the NPP.

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Rogov noted that it would take several days to launch the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

“To launch a nuclear power plant, large amounts of electricity (at least 40 MW) and hot steam will be required. To start in a gentle mode, it will take a few hours and a few days to reach the required power without any fluctuations and drops,” he specified.

Earlier, the Zaporozhye authorities announced the shutdown of the last operating sixth power unit of the nuclear power plant due to the fact that the Kyiv authorities intentionally fired on and disabled the power lines that feed the nuclear power plant, and also did not accept the energy generated at the station, artificially blocking the flow to the right bank of the Dnieper. The so-called “cold stop” mode is applied. At the same time, the power supply of the region is carried out in a regular mode, there are no interruptions.