Africa rejects Europe’s energy transition guidelines

MOSCOW, 15 Oct — PRIME. Africa needs a fair and inclusive energy transition, Europe cannot tell it how to do it right, Chairman of the African Energy Chamber Andrzej Ayuk said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

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“Europe should not tell us, we resist this, we need a fair and inclusive energy transition,” he said.

Ayuk noted that the countries of the African continent are now faced with the task of coping with energy poverty.

“We need to provide electricity to 600 million people, 900 million people still do not have access to a normal stove to cook food. This is the most important moment for us. In Africa, almost 60% of the population does not have access to electricity,” he explained.

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The politician believes that the energy crisis in Europe has become a lesson for Africa, showing the need to increase cooperation with Russia. According to Ayuk, the country could play a leading role in supporting energy projects on the continent.

“For us, it (the crisis) was a lesson that you can’t rely on others and you need to take care of yourself. We need to build partnerships with friends in Russia in order to create sustainable resource exchange chains. We need this, and we cannot afford to ignore this problem “, he stated.

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“Of course, Russia has a huge potential and experience in this: you are the best in the world in oil refining and reducing the carbon footprint, in the implementation of infrastructure projects and investments in the energy sector,” Ayuk added.

According to the head of the energy chamber, if Africa continues to be dependent on other countries, this will affect it and negatively affect the development of the states of the continent.

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“We already see that the crisis has come to Africa, for example, a country like South Africa with a huge population, with a high level of industrialization – rolling blackouts continue there … We need new technologies, new opportunities. We need to change this situation and move on,” — the politician emphasized.

Ayuk also added that the countries of the continent would like to develop nuclear power, but cannot afford to build large reactors.

“Nuclear power is also an option, but building nuclear power plants is very expensive, you need to look for ways to build small reactors that Africa can afford,” he said.

Read the full text of the interview at at 11.00.