Avalonminer 741 Hashrate -Review | Profitability | Specs | Benefits

Avalonminer 741 Hashrate -Review Profitability Specs Benefits

Find out the profitability, specs and other vital information about the Avalon Miner 741 before you buy. Avalonminer 741 Hashrate – Most recently, Canaan Creative presented the miner Avalon 741 – its new ASIC for mining Bitcoin. The successor to the 721st model was to become a direct competitor to S9 from Bitmain. Voracious on electricity, quite noisy, but at the same time very productive Asik was not lost among competitors even six months later.

Many people are still confident that Bitcoin is mined by video cards. There is such an opportunity, but today video cards bring a minimum of profit. The era of the SPU has long passed, the algorithm has become increasingly difficult. At one time, the video cards had enough power to mine Bitcoin. But today the requirements for the power of equipment for the mining of cryptocurrencies have increased significantly. Asiki came to replace them. One of the successful models is Avalon 741. Miner supports the extraction of all cryptocurrencies on the SHA256 algorithm.

Avalonminer 741 Hashrate

741 model is actively storming the market. Half a year in mining is a very long time. Despite this, the miner did not lose in price at all. Moreover, now it is more difficult to buy it than at the start of sales. Why does the AvalonMiner 741 not lose its relevance in the new year … The sale of this Ashik started from 741 dollars. Symbolic, isn’t it?

Avalon 741 consumes impressive amounts of electricity. There are six 6-pin connectors for connection. Use them correctly: each one must have a separate power line for the unit. Otherwise, unstable work is guaranteed.

Avalonminer 741 Specifications

Deliver the miner in a cardboard box. Inside there is an ASIC, a converter from USB to AUC3 and another pair of wires – AUC3 to 5 pin and ordinary Micro USB. The body is made of metal: assembled with high quality. Heavy enough – almost 4.5 kilograms. There is no integrated network adapter in this Asika. You need to buy it yourself. When ordering from the Canaan Creative website, it can optionally be added to the cart. Buying with hands, ask again from the past owner.

Inside there is only one fan that cools the radiator of an unusual shape. All because of the technology Airforming Cooling, which Canaan Creative has already put in their products. Cooling is good, but very noisy. Connectors on the back of the device allow you to connect several such ASICs in one network. The power supply is worth taking at 1500W and higher.

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Supports Avalon 741 to 40 TH / S in series. To do this, you will need immediately 7 of these machines. In single mode, 7+ TH / S works out honestly. The increase, compared with the 721st, was a little more than one Terrahesh. Due to what?

  • 88 A3212 chips made on 16 nm technology versus 72 of the previous model
  • New cooling system
  • More power lines

New radiator needs to be cooled. There is only one fan. This Asik makes quite a noise – more than 60 decibels in active load. In the summer it could be bought for $ 740. Now they ask for him $ 1500-2000. The reason for all is the Bitcoin rate. In the fall, the course is unreal jumped. Such a price is just a residual wave of those times. A few months ago it was possible to observe and $ 3000-4000 for one asik (the price is very high).

Avalonminer 741 Hashrate - Miner

Avalonminer 741 Hashrate – Miner

Can get different coins. At the same time, the best option is Bitcoin. Small, very productive, quite cheap. But I always advise to follow other cryptocurrencies. If the algorithm is suitable – you can try to mine prospective coins. To the characteristics of 741 miner:

  • Heschrate: 7.3 Terrahesh / sec.
  • Power consumption: from 1115W, up to 1350W. Depends on the algorithm.
  • Power supply: 12V 6-pin connector 6pcs, ATX power supply.
  • Chips: 16nm A3212 – 88 units.
  • Network: Ethernet (need an adapter).
  • Working temperature: -5-40 degrees Celsius.
  • Weight: 4.3 kilograms (4.8 kg package).
  • Dimensions: 320x136x150 mm.

Buying a miner Avalon 741 from the manufacturer and its partners, it comes with a 90-day warranty. Performance at the level of the models S7 and S9 series AntMain from the company Bitmain. There is a small hash error – 1%. To avoid it, connect Asik through separate power lines.

Avalonminer 741 Specifications

How to connect and run the miner?

Model ASIC Avalon 741 is stable. Connecting it right out of the box, I saw nice numbers – 7.5-7.9 Terrahesh. And this is significantly more than promised Canaan Creative. How to run it?

  1. You should have: Asik himself, complete controllers and adapters, an ATX power supply unit and an Ethernet cable.
  2. Now connect the USB cable to the external controller. Here you will need a 5V power supply for the hub (the USB port of a computer or laptop will do).
  3. Plug the Ethernet cable into the appropriate connector on the controller.
  4. Now connect the AUC3 cable to a suitable controller. On the other hand, plug in the USB cable, which is now plugged into the hub.
  5. Connect the six 6pin power supply connectors to the ASIC connectors.
  6. Connect the power supply to 220V.
  7. Turning on and off will be through a switch on the power supply.
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On the manufacturer’s website you will find the firmware. It needs to be downloaded and dropped to a USB drive. Here we again need an adapter with USB ports. Further through the browser, according to the standard, we enter the Ashik interface. Login and password “Avalon”. Further we work with the simple interface on several tabs – we find a pool, we enter data and we look.

On the back of the case there is a LED status indicator. It glows white during self-test, green – in standby mode, blue – in active mode. If something went wrong, you will see a red indicator light.

Avalonminer 741 – Profitability and Benefits

As for a profitable investment. In the cryptocurrency market, it is impossible to say exactly how much mining equipment will pay off. It all depends on the rate of mined cryptocurrency and the value of ASICs. Avalon 741 showed a quick payback for those who managed to buy a miner for the initial cost – $ 741. By the time of the maximum price for Bitcoin, the first batch of 741s had already paid for itself. Next – only net profit. Prices for 741 rose quickly, buying equipment was not so profitable. But it still makes money.

The most profitable cryptocurrency for 741 models is Bitcoin. A miner can still bring up to $ 8 a day. With these indicators, you will need a little less than a year for full payback. These calculations are based on the current rate of BTC.

Now there is a tendency of gradual increase in the price of Bitcoin. If electricity bills allow, do not sell your 741st. In addition to the founder of cryptocurrency, there are several interesting options:

  • Mazacoin
  • Bitcoincash
  • eMark
  • Peercoin
  • Tigercoin

These five coins I advise to consider only as a temporary option. Almost everyone in the long run will cause damage, unlike Bitcoin. But you need to carefully follow the news and information signals. If in time to transfer the miner to the extraction of different coins, you can recoup asik for a few months or even weeks.

Pay attention to the quality of the assembly itself. In this regard, the Avalon 741 is doing much better than the same AntMiners. Most people in our field who have managed to work with both rulers say the same thing.

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You cannot connect the 741st model and the 721st together. If you are interested in a multi-threaded system, connect up to five devices simultaneously. This configuration is stable minite. The fan operates at a speed of 5500 revolutions per minute. Cools well, overheating is not noticed. With constant load, there will be no performance drawdowns. You can load it 24/7.

With a power consumption level of 1300W, it would be optimal to place this Ashik in places with cheap electricity. In Moscow, this will be gaining about $ 70 per light per month. With $ 200-250 revenue from Bitcoin.

Do not forget also that this miner is without a complete power supply. You need to buy it yourself. And this is another 100-120 dollars. With a price tag of 740 dollars + 120 per BP, we will get about 7-8 months payback. With current prices you can multiply this figure by two. At the same time, the Bitcoin mining algorithm is complicated.


Mining market is very dynamic and unstable. There are options that minimize risks. AvalonMiner 741 is still relevant, it mines Bitcoin and has an impressive capacity. At the same time the price remains at an affordable level. There are no problems with the cooling system. High power consumption is critical only for certain countries. Miner is well assembled: holding, you understand that the developer has paid attention to quality. This year has a surprising return. And the performance margin makes it possible not to think about new models.

Strange equipment – controllers removed from the case. All connection is conducted through the periphery. May not be an adapter with Ethernet connector included. In this case, you will need to look for yourself.

Miner for some reason is not so popular. Although the combination of price and payback is almost one of the best on the market. Yes, there are more powerful new items, but they are several times more expensive. Before buying, always calculate at least an approximate payback period. It may be more relevant to buy 3 old asiki instead of one new (or vice versa)