Gazprom threatened Moldovagaz with shutdown of supplies in case of non-payment

MOSCOW, 4 Oct — PRIME. Further requests from the Moldovan side, involving changes in the contractual terms for gas supplies, will be made out only in the form of additions to the contract, the Gazprom company said.

Moldova told about plans for payments to Gazprom

“In the future, any requests from the Moldovan side that involve changes in contract terms will be made only in the form of appropriate additions to the contract,” the Russian company said on its official channel in the Telegram messenger.

As Gazprom noted, during the current year, Moldovagaz regularly violated the terms of the contract regarding the payment deadline for the supplied gas, and also repeatedly applied to Gazprom for mitigation of contractual obligations.

In this regard, “Gazprom” reserves the right to completely stop gas supplies to Moldova if the country violates payment obligations before October 20, the Russian company said.

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Until now, due to the position of the country, the issue of historical debt has not been resolved, which entails the risk of termination of the contract at any time, Gazprom said earlier.

Gazprom reserves all its rights, including the right to completely stop supplies in case of violation of the obligation to pay for gas until October 20, 2022, as well as the right to terminate the contract at any time due to a gross violation of the deadlines for concluding a settlement agreement historical debt of JSC “Moldovagaz”, – the message says in the Telegram channel of “Gazprom”.