How to find the best light rate

These are hard times for those who have to pay an electricity bill, the increase in the price of raw materials puts a strain on our pockets. The energy market has completely changed, until a few months ago the enhanced protection service still guaranteed savings, but now the situation has completely reversed.

Being now in this situation, let’s see how find the best light rate using the methods to find the more competitive rates and try to avoid being overwhelmed by the increases.

We could have written an article similar to that of some competitors which simply lists the cheapest rates of the moment, but given the situation on the energy market it would have been obsolete after a week. Instead, we will introduce you the best tools to try to save and the tricks to make the most of them.

Tips for finding the best light rate

It might seem trivial, but there is no best light rate in general, but there is the best one for your needs.

Here are some tips that may be useful for choosing the best light rate:

  • Avoid staying on the comparator page and, instead, after finding a convenient supplier, search on the latter’s site, you may find a rate that is even more suited to your needs (and therefore capable of offering greater savings).
  • In a regime of strong price increases, perhaps it is better to opt for solutions with a fixed price for 12 months or 24 months, in order not to have unpleasant surprises. By the way, it is important to control the cost per kW, since the other components in the bill are established by the Energy Authority.
  • Also consider combined offersfor example with fiber or Pay TV which can lead to interesting savings.
  • Evaluate well if according to your lifestyles plus one is worth it monorarian or biorarian or multiorari rates.
  • Check the payment methodthat among these there is the one of your preference (credit card, bank direct debit, etc.).
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Make the best use of comparators

There are now many online serviceseven heavily advertised on TV, who pride themselves on ensuring we save money if they use them to search for offers for us. In this there is also some truth, after all, no one alone would easily be able to extricate themselves from the offers of many operators.

A comparator takes the rates from the various sites of the operators of the service that interests us and automatically presents us with the offers that would be more convenient for us (usually based on our consumption range).

As we said in the suggestions above, the comparators are useful in a first search job but they cannot, due to obvious technical limitations, find the customized rate perfectly according to your needs, but they can help in the first screening.

It is always advisable to turn to two different comparison portals, as sometimes, for a matter of agreements, not all energy suppliers appear on each portal.

Before leaving to the comparators, we invite you to keep your last bill in hand, at the top of the second page you will find some, such as the annual consumption in kW. These data will be useful as, if included in the comparators, they will help sites find the best offers for your needs.

The best comparators to find the best light rate

We have talked a lot about comparators, those sites called meta search engines that aggregate offers to give the consumer a picture as complete as possible.

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Here is a list of the ones we found most practical:

Other consumption

The consumer association has made available an interesting comparator to help its users find the best rate for them.

The service works very simply: once you reach the page dedicated to energy offers, click on the “The search begins“, The requested data is entered and the system searches for the best offers for you.

We really appreciate this comparator and we put it first because it manages to be very useful and accurate.

It allows you to not only add your own bill for a super detailed savings calculation, but also add the data manually, all without having to enter a telephone number or email (which we greatly appreciated).
Furthermore, each operator has a reliability index established by the customers, in short, a really convincing service.

Comparator offers light Hound

It is about a very publicized service, but which is appreciated for its clarity and functionality.

The site is well done and really essential: to find the best luca rate just go to the section dedicated to offers and enter your data. In this case though it is also required to enter an email address and telephone numberif you do not want to give your own, you can take advantage of our guides on telephone numbers and temporary emails.
Once you have entered the required data, you can proceed to the next step, where an estimate of your consumption will be made (which you can correct by clicking on the bar on the left of the interface) and all the available light offers will be displayed.

We appreciated that the cost per kW is detailed for each offer and that everything is immediately at hand.

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light offers comparator Sostariffe

It is about another of the services available online to compare offers, complete and easy to use, offers many offers and has clear graphics.

It works in a really simple way, just go to the page dedicated to light offers and enter your data to get the best electricity offers. Among the requested data, also in this case, email and telephone number are requested.
After arriving at the offers page, we recommend that you refine them by entering in the bar on the left of the interface: your municipality of residence and in which period of the day your consumption is concentrated.

light offers comparator

It is a very publicized service, which we found very complete in terms of light offers.

After reaching the page dedicated to offers for electricity, you can start indicating your needs.
Once you have clicked on the “Go to offers” button, a second screen will open in which you will have to enter further data (including email and telephone number).
At this point you will be able to see all the offers intended for you. Once you have found the operator that seems most convenient to you, we recommend that you check his site, often so you can find the best light offer that best suits your needs.
