How to install linux and windows 10 on the same pc – Easy Steps

How to install linux and windows 10 on the same pc

How to install linux and windows 10 on the same pc

Due to everything mentioned, Linux also added a support so that it could be installed. The one that was added to each and every one of the latest versions, which causes Ubuntu to manage to withstand UEFI from some official Microsoft editions for Linux. Therefore, the most recommended option is to put the computer in BIOS mode.

Finally we save the UEFI configuration, and we restart the computer to elaborate what will be the installation. This process tends to be very simple, where you just have to disable “Secure Boot” and activate “Legacy Support”, but this will depend mainly on the equipment, the version of UEFI and the board. However, all the ways of doing this are very similar. The first thing will be to enter UEFI in a very similar way to when we enter with For this we click on the computer’s boot button, there we select the “Secure Boot” section.

Therefore, when using a different operating system, problems develop, and even disappear. We have put Ubuntu as an example since it belongs to the best known and most used distros in the world. However, in the case of wanting to have any other Linux distribution other than Ubuntu, the development will be exactly the same. The only thing that will change will be the screenshots that we have put in the article, since they will be different. Although it may be tempting to have the two operating systems installed at the same time, if we stop to think, we will only be able to use one at the same time. Therefore, although the development is simple and someone can do it, we still have to ask ourselves if it will really be a tool for us.

It is essential that at the time of installing an operating system together with Windows 10 we stop thinking that some inconvenience will arise, and if it happens, it is not a requirement to worry about it. Having understood this step if required, let’s jump right into the recommendations for modifying dual boot. Needless to say, Windows clearly dominates the PC OS market. There are very few choices for the Microsoft OS other than Mac OS and Linux distributions, although the latter are found in different variants and for all tastes. Anyone who knows this and does not dare to leave Windows is welcome, since it is not a requirement to try them one by one. In case it is clearer to you, here is a video of the installation of dual boot with Linux and Windows, with each and every one of the procedures that must be carried out.

Install And Use Bash In Windows 10

It’s as simple as plugging in the external device or your USB stick (since it could just as well be an external storage device) and booting up the device. Note that for it to work you have to go into your BIOS or UEFI and change the priority in the Boot Priority menu. If you chose the second option, you will notice that at the end of the installation of the Linux distribution the computer will start with the Windows 10 operating system, ignoring that another operating system is installed, but stop worrying, it is not an inconvenience, and if it were, there is a solution. Rufus is a portable, simple and lightweight program that will be used to configure a USB stick as a boot device to have the chosen Linux distribution. All you have to do is download the tool, choose the USB stick to format and the disk image you want to burn.

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Now, click Choose drive to choose your flash drive, and click Flash! To begin the process of turning a flash drive into an Ubuntu installer. (If you’re using a DVD-R, use your computer’s DVD burning program instead.) For making bootable media for any Linux distribution, I recommend Etcher.

Like the one where we want to install the Windows 7 OS, and after that we will click on the “Next” button. At this moment, the installation of the Windows 7 Enterprise OS in our virtual machine will begin. At that moment, the wizard for creating a new virtual machine will be executed, in whose first window we will click directly on the “Next” button. In this alternative we can see something like this, where in my case I have a previous version of Ubuntu along with Windows on one disk and another that I have dedicated only to Arch Linux. To choose the disk where Ubuntu is going to be available, we can do it in this window.

If in the window of the previous image we choose the first option “Ubuntu 10.04 LTS”, this will be the operating system through which our computer will be started, as we see in the window of the image below. Before continuing effectively with the restart, we will be presented with the following window, where we will click directly on the “Restart” button. Next, we must specify the proportion of RAM memory that our «Dual» virtual machine will have, leaving in our case the 512 MB offered by default by the wizard, as we can see in the window in the image below. For some time I had Windows and ubuntu on the same hard drive1 and without problems, every time I booted the PC I could choose between the two in grub.

Therefore, here we present the main benefits of having dual-boot. Top 10 Pitfalls Novice Developers Face Your first stint as a programmer can start out very exciting. Microsoft has it posted on an Azure blob and not on the official download site (WTF?), so you have to know the link. Before proceeding, we need to make sure that our machine is capable of running WSL.

Change Grub

If we have followed the steps as we have been specifying throughout this chapter, once the installation wizard has been completed, we will have an exclusive virtual machine named «Dual» in VirtualBox, as we can see in the following window. As a result of the previous action, the wizard for creating a new virtual hard disk is executed, in whose first window we will directly click on the “Next” button. To do this, we will first install the Windows 7 operating system, making two disk partitions in the process of installing said OS in order to have Windows 7 in one of them and Ubuntu in the other later. Now it’s time to boot from the removable medium, here it is essential that you modify the boot options of your bios and in case you have UEFI enabled, deactivate it. Here in this step I ask you for excuses, but I cannot cover this section, since due to the considerable amount of boards and bios that there are, the configurations differ in some things, but you can find information about this about your board or bios on the internet. But don’t go away, we still need to adjust the configuration that is made at the beginning so that our laptop starts directly with the hard drive and not with the other storage units that we select.

how to install linux and windows 10 on the same pc

If you already had Windows 10 installed and it’s taking up the entire drive, this screen will appear and give you the option to choose a drive at the top. If you only have one disk, you can choose how much space to steal from Windows and apply it to Ubuntu. You can drag the vertical line in the center left and right with the mouse to take space from one and give it to the other. Adjust this precisely how you want it, and then click Install Now. In stage 4 we will decide how we want to partition the hard disk, presenting us with the following window that informs us of the current status of the virtual hard disk of our computer.

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What Is Wsl Or Windows Subsystem For Linux?

In the configurations, we occupy all the space of that partition, we offer format in ext4 and in mount point “/” or in case we have assigned more partitions or space you will grant the mount points of each one. In this area, I must take into account that you already have Windows installed and you want to have Ubuntu on the exact same device, regardless of whether they are on 2 different disks, this does not matter. ✓We go to UEFI boot options and we lower that unit that we had left first so that it is in the third position, in this way the start by OS boot manager will be first. ✓In this part the type of installation will appear, if it will be updated or adapted.

Dual Boot Windows And Linux

Here the external installation device must be removed and we also start the Ubuntu system. This new subsystem is very interesting for programmers who use Windows as their primary system. Thanks to it we have the possibility of executing the same tools that Linux programmers have, even those that are only for that OS, and we will be able to continue without problems each and every one of the documentation indications that are based on the line of commands. Fast Boot is like a kind of hibernation of the operating system that, instead of shutting down completely, dumps the kernel to the hard drive so that, when booting, it returns directly to memory.

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It has two screens, an RTX 2070 and liquid metal cooling. So under Startup and recovery, we click the dropdown menu under Default OS. Then we go to About and click on the Advanced system settings link.

Wait for it to be done and repeat the step as many times as systems you want to add. From now on you will only have to configure the boot sequence to give priority to the USB memory or set it as the default boot device. On many computers this is not a requirement, as at boot you can enter a list of gadgets the same way you can enter BIOS or UEFI. Try to boot both Ubuntu and Windows to test them and make sure everything works as expected. If it does, you currently have both Windows and Ubuntu installed on your computer. You should see a confirmation screen indicating what Ubuntu plans to do.

Forget that Windows 10 is suspicious of other operating systems

This had commonly left out programmers using Windows as their primary operating system. In fact, some programming tool manuals start from the basis that you are using Linux or macOS, and all the explanations are proposed for these, leaving the Windows commands out and making it difficult to trace. This OS reached individuals at the end of 2021, not without raising all kinds of controversy due to its demanding and absurd requirements. Among many others, the obligation to have an advanced UEFI system in the computer, with Secure Boot, and a TPM 2.0 chip that is responsible for encrypting the units. And this screen will appear every time we turn on the PC, being able to select in this way each time the system that we need according to what we have gone to do on the computer.

If Linux has a penguin as its logo, it is thanks to Linus Torvalds. The idea occurred to him because, as a child, he was stung by one and thought it was funny that it was the pet of his system. The same happens with his birth, the origin of the name also causes some dispute. There are some who claim that it comes from the fact that the penguins seem to be dressed in a tuxedo, which in English is said tuxedo max and is abbreviated “tux”; others claim that it must do with the letters in Tux being the anagram for Torvalds Unix.