How to Label Gmail Messages Automatically? – Email

How to Label Gmail Messages Automatically?  - Email

How to Label Gmail Messages Automatically? – Email

Gmail has remained one of the best emails out there, and it is that, although it is an invention of 30 years ago, you still have to use it every day, for your work, birthday invitations, the collection of your insurance, among many other things.

This is why Gmail offers you a lot of tricks to make your life easier, and one of them is the being able to automate your inbox With labels, it is a simple process that many do not know, so we will show you how to achieve it.

What is the use of managing email messages with labels?

This allows you to establish constant control over all the emails that arrive, separating them into folders that you can identify as you wish and rank them in order of their importance if you wish. With this you can easily distinguish emails from your work or those of your family without so many problems.

Organizing your email with the use of labels will help you automate all your Gmail, you will be able to also create folders to identify spamso if you have any spam emails these can be deleted or saved to avoid seeing them inside your inbox, this can be useful if you suffer from overwhelming amounts of spam in your Gmail.

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How to manage Gmail mail archives using labels?

Now that you know how useful this function is to make your inbox much simpler through easy-to-identify folders, we’ll show you how to start creating them.

How can a label be created manually?

we are going to show you how to create a label manuallyin this case it will be a label that detects spam that the Gmail filter itself has not detected, for this you must do the following to the letter:

  1. You must enter your Gmail account.
  2. On the left you will see a menu where you must press the ‘Create label’ option.
  3. Write the name you want to put on your new label, remember to put names referring to what you want to automate.
  4. Click on ‘Create’.
  5. Now click on the new label and then on the arrow that you will see in the search bar which is on top of your tray.
  6. You must add to the word line ‘unsubscribe’.
  7. Click on the ‘Create filter’ option
  8. Inside the window that you will see, click on ‘Add tags’ and select the one you have created.
  9. Check the boxes with the operator you want, in this case it will not be necessary to use the ‘Mark as read’.
  10. Click on ‘create filter’ to finish.
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By creating this new filter in your Gmail, every time you some spam mail arrives in your inboxGmail will look for the words ‘Unsubscribe’ in it, if the email has these words it will label it and move it to a folder.

create labels in gmail

Program your Gmail to create automatic labels in your messages

You can also generate other filters so that your friends or your work emails are tagged, adding a label with their name, their email or with what you identify more easily, the potential of this function within Gmail is very great. As an example, if you work outside your office, it would be very useful to have all your work emails in a single folder, to do this you must do the following:

  1. Within your Gmail account, tap the ‘Create Labels’ option. You will see this to the left of your message tray.
  2. Assign the name you want for this new label and click on the ‘Create’ button.
  3. The next thing is that you must select your new job tag and click on the arrow that is to the right of your search bar. This bar is above your tray.
  4. Now you need to add the last part of the email to search line or the mail itself for the filter to detect.
  5. Click on the ‘Create filter’ option
  6. You must click on ‘Select label’ and choose your work label.
  7. Finally click on create filter.
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Now all the emails that arrive with the domain you chose, They will be sent to your work folder that you will see in the panel on the left side of your tray, it is important that you do not mark any operator so that they are not marked as read, since that way they will reach your folder and you will be able to see how many emails have arrived in the folder.

What role do brands have within emails?

The marks within your email tags are specific carriers that they will tell the label what it will do when detecting an email with its description, for example, you can make a new email from someone specific go to the folder as already read, or you can also use the ‘minus’ operator so that it excludes them, which can used to eliminate large amounts of spam.

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