How to remove the Xbox app from Windows | Tips and Tricks

How to remove the Xbox app from Windows
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Windows 11 and its predecessor 10 have some built in optional apps, which can be useful for some and annoying for others. The Xbox app was an attempt, in part undoubtedly successful, to bring its division together gamingembodied by the eponymous console and the PC world.

Today the Xbox app is captivating, quite complete, it also allows you to access the popular Xbox Game Pass service which, among other things, allows you to play in the Cloud without installing anything on your machine (provided you have a good connection and band available).

If you are not interested in video games, the Xbox app on your system may be useless.

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We have already dedicated a tutorial to removing the Xbox Game Bar; this time we will talk about how to remove the Xbox app on Windows painlessly. The procedure it does not remove any essential files and allows you to reinstall the app directly from the Microsoft Store in case it becomes necessary or if you change your mind.

The need for this mini guide arises from the fact that it is not possible to uninstall the Xbox app using the control panelas you do with any other software installed on Windows.

Uninstall the Xbox app on Windows

Removing an app on Windows is now a very simple procedure: just find it in the menu Start and right-click on it, then in the context menu click on the item “Uninstall“.

How to remove the Xbox app from Windows

Unfortunately, this simple procedure doesn’t always work with the Xbox app, so sometimes you need to go through one more advanced procedure.

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If the quick way doesn’t work, here are the simple steps you can take to uninstall the Xbox app.

Remove the Xbox app

To remove the Xbox app on Windows:

  1. press the button Start;
  2. to write “PowerShell“(Without quotation marks);
  3. then click on “Run as administrator“(This step is essential);
  4. at this point the window will open Shell di Windows with the privileges, then you can type or copy and paste (to paste just click with the right mouse button inside the window) the following command “Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxApp | Remove-AppxPackage“, At this point press the”Invio“On the keyboard;
  5. after a few seconds the process should be finished and you can close the shell window.

Reinstall the Xbox app

If you change your mind, you always can reinstall the Xbox app on Windows. To do this, simply go to the dedicated page of the Microsoft Store and press the “Get“. Removing the Xbox app is therefore a completely reversible operation.

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