Iran spoke about the requests of some countries for gas supplies

MOSCOW, 14 Oct – PRIME. Iran receives proposals from Western countries for the supply of oil and gas, considers the impudence of the requests of those states that imposed sanctions against Tehran, Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Ahmad Asadzadeh said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

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“Of course, Iran receives proposals on this matter, but we also take into account strategic considerations. They (the West) need gas, and they resort to this need in different places to provide themselves with gas. We do not close the doors of negotiations with their companies “but they have to decide whether they want to keep imposing sanctions on Iran or not. You can’t just impose sanctions on a country and then, in an hour of need, resort to it and ask it to provide everyone with gas,” Asadzadeh said.

He stressed that double standards, the impudence of Western countries with which they allow themselves to behave with other countries, Iran is trying to ignore. “In any case, the West must pay the price for its unilateral measures, sanctions and its hostility towards Iran. We have significant potential in the oil and gas industry, which we will try to use wisely to our advantage,” the Deputy Oil Minister of Iran added.

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