Italian Minister Calls Russian Gas Price Ceiling ‘Senseless’

ROME, Sep 11 – PRIME. A ceiling on the price of gas imports to Europe should send a signal to all producers, and it makes no sense to impose it only on Russian gas, Italian Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani said in an interview with La Repubblica newspaper.

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“Limiting the price of Russian gas alone does not make sense. At present, it enters Europe in very small volumes … In any case, a signal should be given to all producers. Europe imports three-quarters of the natural gas that enters the pipeline. It is fair that, being the largest buyer in the world, it helps determine the price to protect businesses and citizens. We will continue to work in the next few days to give the general ceiling a prepared majority,” he said.

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Chingolani recalled that the EU Council of Energy Ministers instructed the European Commission to prepare the introduction of a price ceiling. His project, the minister noted, should be ready by October.

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After the ministerial meeting, Chingolani said that 15 EU countries supported the introduction of a price ceiling on gas imports to Europe, three approve it in the case of supplies from the Russian Federation, five oppose or take a neutral position.

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has previously stated the need to introduce a price ceiling for Russian gas. At the end of August, she also announced that the European Commission is working on operational and longer-term measures to improve the situation against the backdrop of rising electricity prices in the EU, which mainly depend on the cost of blue fuel.

Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin, commenting on the West’s idea to limit prices for Russian energy resources, said that Russia would not supply anything abroad if this would be contrary to its own interests.

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