Novatek calculated the carbon footprint of energy supplies to Asia

MOSCOW, 6 Sep — PRIME. The carbon footprint from Novatek’s supplies to Asia via the Northern Sea Route is 7,000 tons lower than via the Suez Canal, Evgeny Ambrosov, deputy chairman of the board of the company, said at a meeting of the Council of Members of the NSR Navigation, held as part of the EEF-2022.

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According to him, Novatek has automated the calculations of the carbon footprint of its deliveries through the implementation of a system for monitoring the operation of ships, which has been introduced into the company’s activities.

“Quantitative data on fuel consumption and the so-called methane footprint suggest that the carbon footprint for a round trip along the Northern Sea Route (to Asian countries – ed.) is less than 7 thousand tons (CO2 equivalent – ed.) compared to the route through the Suez channel,” Ambrosov said.

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“That is, the next step is to verify the methodology for calculating the carbon footprint for subsequent inclusion in the cargo statement (cargo documentation – ed.) at the request of buyers. The information will also be useful for internal analysis of the impact on the environment of the Arctic region for interaction with the competent authorities,” he added. Ambrosov.

More than 3,000 nautical miles (5,556 kilometers) long, the Northern Sea Route connecting the Barents Sea and the Bering Strait is the shortest route between Europe and Asia, as well as the shortest sea route between the Far East and the European part of Russia. For example, if the transition from Europe to China along the southern route through the Suez Canal takes about 35 days, then along the Arctic route it takes 10-12 days less.

The WEF takes place on September 5-8 on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island in Vladivostok. RIA Novosti acts as the general media partner of the forum.

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